97th Western Economic Association Conference
CALL FOR PAPERS ASHE will be hosting sessions at the 97th Western Economic Association Conference
CALL FOR PAPERS ASHE will be hosting sessions at the 97th Western Economic Association Conference
Call for Papers The American Society of Hispanic Economists (ASHE) will be hosting two Presidential
Call for Papers 2023 ASSA Meeting The American Society of Hispanic Economists (ASHE) will be
Dr. Mónica García-Pérez has been selected as the 2022 ASHE Individual Service Award recipient. Mónica
The Board of the American Society of Hispanic Economists has selected the AEA Mentoring Program
Sergio Ernesto Barrera is an Assistant Professor in Economics at Virginia Tech. He received his
Dr. Alberto Davila is the Dean of the Harrison College of Business and Computing at
ASHE celebrated its 20th anniversary last year. It was a lively and friendly celebration, albeit
In 2020 the world faced a pandemic of sweeping proportions. COVID-19 led to a crisis
This award was presented to Marie Mora. Dr Marie Mora is the Associate Vice Chancellor